Let’s Talk Ancestral Healing

For some people, your ancestral lineage is not something you think about. For others, like myself, it may be something that you have thought about but have no knowledge of or family to provide you with this knowledge. Maybe your family tree has been hard to piece together for one reason or another. Maybe you do have knowledge of your lineage and want to establish a deeper connection. Regardless of where you stand with your ancestors or family, your lineage does not just go away. It is always there and you are always connected.

What happens when there has been unprocessed trauma in your ancestral line? This trauma continues to get passed down throughout generations. A lot of people like to call this a “generational curse”. We inherit this trauma that can manifest in our lives in several different ways such as financial issues, unhealthy habits, relationship patterns, pain, sickness, familial dysfunction, fears, blockages in any form and so much more.

Ancestors are imprinted in your DNA and bloodlines regardless of your connection or knowledge of them. Our ancestors are alive within us and around us, and we can begin to honor them by doing work on their behalf. Our ancestors are a part of our karma, and we inherit everything from their mental programming and beliefs to their spiritual debts and wounds. Whether you recognize something in your lineage or are experiencing difficulties in your own life, connecting and shifting ancestral trauma can bring you resolve. Healing ancestral trauma can also offer benefits such as uncovering positive aspects of self and ancestors too. You can reconnect to certain powers, talents, and gifts. Your ancestors didn’t just pass down their traumas but their strengths as well.

Our ancestors will support us to the best of their abilities, unconditionally. Sometimes there is healing that was incomplete for them in their lifetime, so they may look to their descendants. When things are out of alignment in our family lines the flow of energy is blocked and stymied from one generation to the next. The more healed and whole our ancestors are, the more easily and fully the love will flow. Their energies flow down the ancestral line to us and our children offering strength, wisdom, and unconditional love.

Sometimes a call for help from an ancestor can manifest as a physical symptom. For example, a father died of a heart attack at age 50. His children begin to experience heart pain at that same age, despite having a healthy heart. When you show up to help an ancestor because of a physical symptom, this opens the door for more extensive family healing. When a family pattern is healed not only does it affect your ancestor but it also provides healing for everyone in that line, forward and backward.

When you heal ancestral trauma, you help stop the patterns and other issues from passing to future generations. You break the “generational curse”. It is important to note that ancestral trauma is not something we should judge, cast blame, or feel disempowered by. Our parents, grandparents, and those before us were doing the best they could with their own level of awareness, knowledge, and circumstance. 

If you are reading this, you may be feeling the call to dive into this type of healing. By doing so, you are taking the step to acknowledge the trauma. You are starting the healing process. You are honoring the trauma your ancestors went through and are releasing it. Other family members will notice, as you begin this healing and the shifts start occurring in your life and maybe even in theirs. 

It’s important to go into this type of healing work with compassion, love, honor, and the intention to invite your ancestors into your heart. We open the healing channel through deep listening and compassion. Our ancestors are always trying to communicate with us. Acknowledge this and be open to receive what your ancestors have for you. Our ancestors have important stories, messages, and gifts for us. By listening, healing the line, and honoring them, we receive this, their protection, and support. Through ancestral healing we can begin to build relationships with our ancestors, which is beneficial to our own healing process.

We are fulfilling our ancestors’ dreams, and our healing is their healing.

One day we will become ancestors—Will you continue the curse or generate profound change?

You can book your Ancestral Healing session with me here if you feel called. Thank you for reading and many blessings to you and your lineage. 💕✨