Healing – Mother Wound. Discovering – Feminine Within.

Healing mother wound and divine feminine

I’ve been reflecting deeply on the concept of the mother wound—specifically, my own. For years, I’ve said, “My mother wound runs deep,” and indeed, I have felt the pain from my relationship with my mother in this lifetime. I’ve worked through those wounds, forgiven her, and made peace with what transpired between us. Yet, the ache of the mother wound still lingers within me.

This lingering pain has led me to realize that the mother wound I continue to feel, the one that “runs deep,” is not just personal; it’s the collective mother wound. It stems from a disconnection with the Divine Mother. As I reconnect with her, I can feel this ancient wound healing within me.

I remember receiving tarot messages and intuitive guidance that highlighted my mother wound as one of my greatest blocks. At the time, I didn’t understand that this wound was born from my disconnection with the Divine Mother. Yes, my relationship with my earthly mother played a role—it mirrored the internal disconnection I felt with the Divine Mother. But it goes far beyond that.

Now, as I come back into union with the Divine Mother, I feel a profound sense of wholeness. My connection with Jesus is renewed. I am no longer led by fear but by my heart. And reconnecting with the Divine Mother didn’t require much effort—just a willingness. A willingness to open myself up to her and her innate wisdom. She has always been here, waiting for us like a true mother waits for her children to come home—no judgment, no anger, just forgiveness and unconditional love. When you reconnect with the Divine Mother, you are enveloped in true love and safety.

The most beautiful realization is that she has always been within us. This journey back to her is really a journey back to ourselves. The Divine Mother is within us, as us—just as God is within us, as us, and Jesus is within us, as us. Divine Mother, Divine Father, Divine Child—the Holy Trinity—all reside within us. All we have to do is return home to our hearts. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Divine Mother is the Holy Spirit. This is where the collective mother wound comes into play. Over time, the Divine Mother has been hidden, replaced by the term “Holy Spirit,” as if to erase her existence. But when we think of creation, of birthing, we know that this cannot be done through masculine energy alone. The feminine is essential for creation, for life itself.

In this patriarchal, wounded masculine reality we’ve incarnated into, the Divine Mother has been obscured. Acknowledging the power of the feminine would disrupt the structures that have dominated for so long. Even Jesus and Mary Magdalene preached about this balance. Yet, history twisted their teachings, erasing Mary Magdalene’s existence and hiding her wisdom for centuries. But this era is ending—it’s crumbling. The Divine Mother, the feminine, is rising once again. We are being called to bring her back into the picture. This is why we are witnessing so much destruction and chaos around the world. It’s why there has been a wave of awakening within the collective. The old structures can no longer hold. There’s nothing to fear, just an awareness that the time for playing in wounded masculine and feminine energies is over. We are healing the collective mother wound, returning to the Holy Trinity. The old ways are no longer sustainable.

So yes, my mother wound runs deep, but it’s not just tied to my earthly mother. It’s a connection to the Divine Mother. It’s a return to the heart, to home, to wholeness, where true healing can take place. This journey has been beautifully profound. It feels so right, so good, to come back home.

During a healing session, Mary Magdalene came to me and shared, “You are me, and I am you.” For me, she represents the Divine Mother—one of many. She is all women, and all women are her. We are not separate from the Divine Mother; we are one. All we need to do is connect. The journey isn’t easy. It requires the willingness to face things we might not want to confront. But it’s worth it. The freedom, the liberation, and the wholeness that come from healing even the deepest wounds make it all worthwhile.

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